The new Upgrade now screen that pops up has a hidden, and unexpected, Agreement. If you click the red X and close it. Clicking the red X to close the pop-up window is in fact “agreeing” to the upgrade.

Windows 10 pop-up now has unexpected result if you click the red X and close it.

Your date and time will vary from what is shown.

Do not close this window using the red X. That is accepting the upgrade on the date and time shown.

There is a line just below the Date line that allows you to change your upgrade preferences. If you do not wish to upgrade you must use the link in the text to go to your settings and choose not to upgrade.

The full court press is on! Microsoft is upping the ante as the end of the free upgrade period comes to a close at the end of July. Some experts are saying that even then you will be pestered by Pop-ups asking you to upgrade.

If you have accidentally upgraded, or upgraded due to some unknown action, you have 30 days to “roll-back” and Windows 10 does this pretty smoothly. If you need assistance, please use the contact form to the right and we’ll set up an appointment to come to your home or place of business and help.

Or you could call (904) 479-5661.